Micro Power Suitcase Minibike
Currently seeking history. If you have any information of these bikes I would like to post it here. If you have one and would like to donate a photo I would be glad to add it. I am also going to track the frames numbers to try to find out how many we’re made.
Here is what I have so far.
Manufactured by:
Micro Power Products Inc.
701 Kings Row
San Jose, California
It appears there are two models. One model has single head light and other a dual head light.
The model number for one of these bikes is model 101
The bike engine is 1 HP made by Ohlsson & Rice or refered to as O&R
Bike fits into a large suitcase, Name on case is Grasshopper. Don’t know if this is manufacture or model name yet.

This is one at the Flat Track Museum. I don’t have a photo of mine in the case.
